Finding errors on the smart key system is a quite difficult problem for mechanic. Therefore, we have researched and produced a new device called KEYSCAN to help the mechanic quickly find errors and fix this system. Besides, the KEYSCAN device is simulated similar to asmart box, so that we can perform many functions without testing it ourselves. The device is easy to connect and use when we monitor and control right on the SMART PHONE. Convenience and safety are the criteria we put on this device.
List function:
*Bluetooth connection with smart phones using Android and iOS operating systems
* Smart key system live data
*Check wiring of the smart key system
*Activate test actuator of smart key system
Check the ECMID code of the ECM and allow the motobike to start
*Instruction to repair , position of the circuit when the smart key system error
*Support all motobike using smart key system of HONDA and YAMAHA (++) and SUZUKI (++)
Equipment included:
1*KEYSCAN device
1*Cable for Honda
1*Cable for Yamaha, Suzuki(++)
1*Power cable
1*USB Cable Type B
1* Use manual

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